Middleman Setup and Problems Encountered
Read Article...Middlenman static site generator
To replace the old Hexo blog, I’ve tried to use Jekyll to make a replacement which is almost completed.
But I have choosen Middleman framework in current site. All are the frameworks for generationg static site pages. Hexo is based on
. Jekyll and Middleman are based onRuby
.Why I switched to another framework which I even hadn’t touched before?
Much more controlable and flexible
My site is not just regular blog and template. The pages are almost highly customized by me, including layout and styles. So the page custom template capbility is high priority.
The top reason which I didn’t continue with Jekyll is its default template language
, which is not as powerful as Ruby language. For example, there is nomap
functional methods for array-like data struct. Only basic looping methods inLiquid
.And the Liquid syntax is unique and total different to ruby which is intutive. I don’t notice that until I learn and write in the Jekyll.
It’s quite frustrating when couldn’t reach Ruby’s power and flexbilty, especially in a rudy framework.
I need the ability to excute ruby code in page template. In in other words, I need
or something similar. By default, Middleman uses erb which is my desiredBy the way, it should exist ways to merge the
into Jekyll. But with other benefit, I had decided to use Middleman. -
A Glimpse into ChatGPT by A Conversation with ChatGPT - Machine Learning Strategy
Read Article...The “Machine Learning Strategy” series is a collection of articles on the subjects of Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. In this series, I will share my personal experiences and insights as I learn and understand these topics. The articles will cover aspects such as the tools and techniques used in ML, the programming concepts involved, and even the psychological impact of human interaction with AI.
The aim is to provide both a practial and theoretical understanding of Machine Learning. This includes exploring the applications of ML, as well as its underlying implementation and limitations, along with pontential areas for improvement. Both the ways in which Machine Learning can be utilized and the potential advancement of the technology itself.
Hopefully, I would offer both the application of Machine Learning, and Machine Learning itself underlying implementation and limits with potential improvements. This is two way of the “strategy”, a way about usage and a way about AI itself.
ChatGPT almost had gone viral once it released. One month ago, I encounter it and test its ability.
Compare to the API to access GPT-3, it’s a easier and smarter way to just have a dialoge with the AI like ordinary IM software which has no preset after account registration.
I heard about ChatGPT and GPT-3, but not much technique related. So I decided to give an interview and let ChatGPT itself explain.
UE5 Lumen Realtime GI Project - Room in the Desert
Read Article...It’s
Unreal Engine 5
project, which I try the new features, and It would be a some kind of whole project that can be shown.In the new coming UE5, the most exciting feature could be
, which is the new light system that provides the real-time globe illumination even without ray tracing hardware(GPU). In other words, graphic/video quality is close to real life, and could apply to video game in real-time.Quick Lighting Test
Try to archieve day time cycle and the lighting changes.
Blog Changes and Thoughts List
Read Article...Updated at 2024-12-26, the blog use middleman framework instead of the Jeklly at this moment. see details in a dev diary.
This personal site and blog is not often upgrade regularly. The frequency of the new article is almost one post every half year.
But actually I have a lot of ideas and want to write down every week, even every day. There have been 6 drafts which are different large topic but not published, and drafts are almost finished but dropped.
Writing is hard, Even harder to Write a whole story at once. So I will try to write pieces of the stories, not just more easily to me, but also help to sort out the thoughts from a lot of chaotic content from a big topic. Then find a way to a larger picture, hopefully.
It’s brain friendly, because those ideas are floating in the mind, no clear and forgettable, We write down to solidify, induct and understand. A lot of writers and artists use those methods, do a lot of experiments at first, maybe just do those for fun, then they can compose a larger worker based on those trial later.
So this article is abort the post topics which I prepare to write later. And The site changes which I would do. It’s a roadmap and To-do list of my blog.
Beyond Order 可能会写什么
Read Article...先说下该博客相关,太久没更新,可以说懒或拖延。但实际上已有5个基本完成稿件,尤其最近一篇严格意义上是个《life 3.0》半本书的笔记。
但是最后没完成没发布这些,尝试刨析内在原因:1. 自我思考缺乏,比如阅读笔记大量摘抄,鹦鹉学舌。 2. 写作过程类似于一下线性一次做完整个大项目,难以实施,过程痛苦,写到中途基本强迫自己继续。可想文章的价值几何,写作习惯如何在此中情绪中养成。
回到正文,本文不是读后感,只是一个本人临时起意的想法,我尝试去想作者 Jordan Peterson 会写什么。所以找来了12个章节标题即12法则,看题发挥。最终肯定会与原文有很大差异,写本文不是为了赌是否猜对内容,而是整理自己思考。
1. “Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement.”
creative achievement
,第一个想到的就是SpaceX,大概2015左右测试猎鹰回收火箭,有无数键盘火箭专家高谈阔论“可回收火箭如何不可行”, “ELON就是骗子”等等,理由从过往无类似方案,到成本估算。我当时就觉得之前没人做的(现在这么说几年前好像有点后视镜,但18年一个对自身很有影响投资决策跟这个些许关联,以后可能会有文章),恰恰是太空项目商业化可能的道路之一。与之前政府主导的太空项目动辄几十亿美金起步,一个商业公司如果想能够持续运营这个事业,那必然肯定是要大幅削减成本,不然就是依旧过往资金规模火箭项目。相较而言,如果商业化能成的话,削成本似乎更可行。但这也意味着几乎没人走过的路。事后证明,SpaceX证明了其可行性,以至于现在其回收火箭成功次数已经让人习以为常。
Blender Cycles 室内作品
Read Article...本人制作 3D 室内渲染作品,参考他人室内设计的照片 PartiDesign & CHT Architect|CHEF AND CATS。 在Blender制作并还原。
使用的 Blender 2.79 版本,Cycles 渲染器。直接看结果如下渲染结果:
照片级写实的秘诀 The Secret Ingredient to Photorealism
Read Article...[2020-01 Update] 于2018年10月,Blender 2.8正式版发布,默认color management即本文提及的
, 应该就是把其整合进 Blender,本文关于 Flimic 使用方法依旧有用。我曾经在我的文章 Blender Cycles渲染作品 面包圈 提到发现一个改进方法,能够大幅提高渲染 render 效果。
dynamic range 动态范围
的限制。 以及突破限制的方式,即Filmic Blender
插件,最终能带来不可思议的照片级渲染效果。这个改进方法我是从blenderguru的一个非常棒的youtube教程视频 The Secret Ingredient to Photorealism学到的。 我极力推荐观看。我文章基本就是根据视频整理得出,额外加些我的内容。
的幕后实现也是基于其他领域的成果(下面正文我会介绍)。 所以如果你使用其他CG或者渲染软件,以及别的相关领域也建议了解下。 -
JavaScript无类型(class free)面向对象编程
Read Article...本文介绍无类别面向对象
class-free OOP
的编程方式,通过编写函数化构造器来创建对象, 该方式相对比传统伪类 pesudoclassical
调用构造器函数),更为简单易懂,并且有许多优势。这个方法,我是从 Douglas Crockfont 那儿得知的。Douglas是一名JavaScript专家, 写有 JavaScript: The Good Parts , 中译本名为 JavaScript语言精粹。
UE4 Forest Path With Panorama
使用Neural Style转变图像艺术风格
Read Article...Neural style是一种
convolution neural network卷积神经网路
算法。一个非常有意思的算法, 能够将一幅图转化为另一幅图的风格。项目代码: github repo
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